Make sure we have your correct eMail address.
Our monthly newsletter is sent about the 25th of the month for the following month. It will give you research tips and notable happenings in addition to info on upcoming events. If you haven’t been getting it please contact to check, update or add your eMail.
Check out our website
To help our members get the most out of their membership, and to provide easy to retrieve resources, the Sno-Isle Genealogical society maintains two integrated websites. You can find us at and
Dynamic information about meetings, membership, and donations can be found at the site, while research information and data are located on the site. In addition, there are numerous research helps including information on Community and Educational Resources, Research Tools, and lots of eResource links.
Visit the Library
Our library is homed in Humble House, one of the historic buildings that makes up Lynnwood’s Heritage Park. The library is a reference collection with more than 5,000 books, periodicals, directories, newspapers and more. In addition to materials for the local area, there are holdings for countries around the world. Books cannot be checked out, but the library has worktables and Wi-Fi and a dedicated volunteer staff is always ready to help users access our online and shelved collections. The Library address is 19827 Poplar Way, Lynnwood, WA. Library hours can be found on the website or by calling the library. If you have questions about the library, please call 425-775-6267.
Attend our general meetings and presentations
We typically have good speakers with interesting presentations. You can find more information on current and upcoming presentations, workshops and discussion groups on our websites. Current Monthly Meetings, Focus Groups & Workshops can be found at on our Events Page.
Bring a Friend to a Meeting
Our general meetings and presentations are open to everyone. Meetings are held either via on online platform or at one of the Heritage Park facilities. Addresses and maps are on the Meetings page.
Join the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program
The Fred Myers Community Rewards Program donates money to local non-profit organizations, SIGS among them. Rewards customers whose cards are linked to SIGS earn donations for us. You can help earning donations whenever you shop with your Rewards Card. Rewards cardholders still get all their Rewards Points, Fuel Points and Rebates. Step by step directions are available for obtaining or linking your card.
The program allows you to make a donation to your designated charity when you make purchases on Amazon, all at no additional cost to you.
To set-up your account go to, and search for Sno-Isle Genealogical Society in the charity list. Once located, select Sno-Isle Genealogical society as your charity of choice. Then, when shopping on Amazon, remember to visit the site (not the regular site) when you make your purchases. If you use the Amazon app on your mobile device you can set it up to use the program too.
Volunteer to help out
SIGS is 100% a volunteer organization; we have no paid staff. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer and we welcome anyone who has even an hour or two available. There is no minimum time requirement. Opportunities are available for both members and students who might want to earn volunteer credits/community hours or intern with us. If you’re interested, please contact
Just a few of our opportunities :
- helping to plan programs for our general meetings
- helping to set up a monthly meeting or bring refreshments
- speaking at one of our meetings
- working with the Publicity chair to help publicize our work
- helping to maintain the scrapbook that illustrates SIGS activities each year
- helping to represent SIGS at one or more of the local events we’re involved in
- helping in the library
- bringing cookies (and a bottle of water for our speaker) to one of our general meetings
- helping to scan, index or enter data for the library or our website
- researching to help locate individuals who might be interested in materials we’ve had donated
- writing for or helping with our newsletter or website
- help with our upcoming website blog
- teach (or help teach) a class
Attend one (or more) of our workshops or focus sessions
We offer a variety of free workshop and focus/discussion groups . Check the Events Calendar for classes and workshops you might be interested in.