Category: Shoreline FHC

Family History Center Holiday Break

Family History Center Holiday Break

The Shoreline Family History Center (22015 48th Ave W, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043) will be closed for the holidays starting Monday, 17 December and will reopen Wednesday, 2 January at 9 am.
The  January SIGS General Meeting starts at 6:30 pm on Wednesday January 2nd.

The SIGS January General Meeting will feature Craig Gowans will be presenting on Melungeons.


Shoreline Family History Center Announces Upcoming Classes

Shoreline Family History Center Announces Upcoming Classes

The Shoreline Family History Center has announced three upcoming classes for family history researchers, each available on both a weekday and weekend to suit your schedule. The 90 minutes classes will be held at the Shoreline Family History Center. The three classes are:

    Introduction to DNA for Family History

    Thursday, October 18 from 7:00-8:30 pm
    Saturday, October 27 from 10:00-11:30am

    Due to heavy demand, this class, which was initially offered last spring, will be repeated. The class will discuss the basics of DNA as it applies to family history. You will learn about what DNA can and cannot do to assist you in discovering and understanding your ancestors. The class will discuss the types of DNA tests that are offered by the testing companies, and what each type of test will do. This will allow you to select the company and test which best fits your family history goals.

    Understanding Your DNA Test Results

    Thursday, November 8 from 7:00-8:30pm
    Saturday, December 1 from 10:00-11:30am

    This class will discuss what your DNA test results mean, and what family history information you can obtain from those results. You will learn how to interpret your ethnicity information. You will be introduced to possible ways to identify unknown relatives using your DNA test.

    Organizing and Preserving Family History Photos

    Thursday, January 10 from 7:00-8:30pm
    Saturday, January 26 from 10:00-11:30am

    Do you have a box of old photos stored somewhere in your house? If you do nothing, those valuable pieces of your family history can be lost due to deterioration or loss of information on who was photographed. This class can help you learn how to organize and preserve your family history photos before it is too late. it will cover traditional and digital preservation of photos. You will learn how to prevent loss of photos due to acid paper or deteriorating photos. The class will cover ways to electronically preserve photos. You will learn methods of preserving identification of persons in photos.

    For more information on these classes, including how to register, please visit

    Theme: Elation by Kaira.
    Lynnwood, Snohomish County, Washington